
Showing posts from July, 2023


He is your radiant rainbow baby With blonde hair and blue eyes A piercing smile that melts hearts And a heart that is fiercely fragile He is so smart and sensitive You’ll be so proud! He is making friends at school You’ll be so proud! He can define MITOSIS and MEIOSIS You’ll be so proud! He knows more than 15 world capitals You’ll be so proud! He speaks flawless English You’ll be so proud! He speaks flawless Afrikaans You’ll be so proud! Boisterous blessing Doting delight Learning-eager and loving-kind Formidable force of nature Tenacious little tyke Only four years old Precious treasure Cherished. Loved. Adored. Do not worry, do not fret Embrace of a loving family Oom  Charles as best friend And a caring church community A Moose and a Munchkin Mommy in heaven and Daddy on deck You’ll be so very proud of him!


In South Africa, we celebrate National Women’s Day on 9 August and the entire month of August is referred to as Women’s Month.     The idea of devoting an entire day to the upliftment of women by declaring it a national public holiday, is indeed a very noble one.     Add to that the notion of continuing this devotion throughout an entire month and it sounds truly noble, right?     Sadly, it only SOUNDS noble, because for it to actually BE noble, there has to be truthful ACTION and the available evidence, currently, suggests the absence thereof.     Like an attractive SCREENSAVER, it displays a picture of something desirable, but it is completely void of any ACTIONable plan to achieve that desire.     To add further insult to injury, a SCREENSAVER can be dismissed with a simple swipe ACTION. As female Chief Executive Officer of a technology company, I consider this holiday to be unnecessary, unproductive and redundant.     As a woman, I feel somewhat insulted and patronized to be celebr


The need/instruction to guard something implies that the something has value.  The greater the value, the greater the need to protect it. In the USA, Fort Knox guards the majority of the country’s gold reserves and the Secret Service guards the president.  The Royal Guard guards the King of England and multiple high profile Hollywood actors have their own, personal bodyguards.  Even access to information is guarded by encryption-based software security systems.  It would take someone with an exceptional set of highly specialised skills and the ability to meticulously execute it with calibrated precision to pose even a marginal threat to any of these guarded commodities.   Consider the following conversation between a grandmother (Nana) and her four-year-old grandson (Mikey). Nana:  Are you okay, my sweetheart? Mikey:  I really don’t feel so well. Nana (a little concerned that he might be coming down with something):  Where in your body are you not feeling well? Mikey:  It’s

Fulfilled (be)longing is a tree of life!

When all is said and done  When the lights dim  And the music fades  What is left?  Father God, the Beginning and the End  Author, Giver and Creator of life  Owner of the cattle on a thousand hills  Righteous, real , just and true   At His right hand, His Son  Our Saviour, Champion of all champions  Who died and rose to redeem Billy Graham and Jeffrey Epstein  Elohim - powerful Creator and Ruler of the universe  He left His Spirit to dwell in us  Through all ages  Until the very end of time  So that we are never without Him  How can His church be the loneliest place ever?  Decades of searching for community  In a city with a church on every corner  Could well have been 100 years in the Siberian outlands  Women are inferior to men  Silenced into submission  Trapped in holy misogynistic false doctrine   Imaginary healings and Hollywood performances  In her search for community and friendship  She became a skeletal shadow  Parched, malnourished and misshapen  Yearning for the water of tru