SUGGESTION:  To those who have not read my blogpost SCREENSAVER OR SUPERHERO (3 weeks ago), I suggest you read that before reading this one.

As promised three weeks ago, today I am exercising my right as a woman to swipe away all the SCREENSAVERS (and their empty noise) and dedicate my celebration to the men who are on a journey with me and who bring out the best in me.

DISCLAIMER:  Other than my beloved Assie, I have had the privilege, in this particular season of my life, of embarking on a journey with the other men to whom I am dedicating this post to.  I have come to know them as my friends and I am cautiously aware of their humble desire to NOT be celebrated (or hero-worshipped) on a grand public platform.  I would like to honour that by changing CELEBRATION into THANKSGIVING.  Today I relinquish my right to be celebrated in order to give thanks to my husband and my friends.  My list is by no means exhaustive.


My beloved soulmate, hunky husband of my youth (and old age), faithful father of my children, grandfather (and favourite grandparent) of my grandchildren, my best friend forever, goofy fellow dreamer, friend to my friends and genius business partner to name but a few.  You are the wisest God-fearing man that I know, your fervent faith is the greatest inspiration and I am humbly honoured that you are ALL mine!  You ARE the reason I have become who I am today.  You believed in me long before I did and now I do too.  My vision does not scare you, my intelligence does not intimidate you and my voiced opinions do not threaten you.  You know when to step aside and when to take the lead, because you consider us equals.  I love you so much more than anyone else and even more than I can ever begin to express!  May the Lord grant us our wish to enter the Kingdom together one day when we are really old and we fail to fly our biplane through a barn.  THANK YOU!


One of the exceptionally small number of people on this planet to truly get me!   Not only do you walk beside me INTO the storms, but you walk with me TOWARD the eyes, NOT AWAY from it (me) in the OPPOSITE direction!  Your ability to utilise gentle lovingkindness to bring balance when I get bent out of shape, is admirably unparalleled.  Your reverence and awe for the Lord is definitively unmatched.  You neither shrink me to fit in nor do you expect me to shrink myself to fit in anywhere.  You NEVER make me feel awkward for asking difficult, unanswerable questions.  You value authenticity as much as I do and everything about you is authentic.  You are the real deal and you are one of my most precious friends!  THANK YOU!


You want to be my friend, even after you have seen the not-so-nice parts of my life.  You value who I am and affirm my worthiness.  With remarkably few carefully chosen wise words, you have an innate ability to bring both calmness and clarity.  Perhaps those who know me really well might argue that you might not get the opportunity to speak many words, but you and I know the truth.  You generously grant me ALL the space I need to take up without EVER making me feel like I am TOO MUCH or OVERBEARING.  You are the loudest soft-spoken person I have ever had the honour of calling my friend!  THANK YOU!


You are an extraordinarily passion-driven preacher.  I marvel at the persistence of your pursuit to share the Gospel and your colourful enthusiasm is so refreshingly contagious.  You can break the laws of physics and make time stand still.  You did so on Christmas Eve 2021 when you brought peace to a family in crisis at the bedside of their dying daughter.  You care with compassion and while I am convinced that you know that I have your back, I have no doubt that you have my back too.  I have the deepest appreciation for our friendship!  THANK YOU!


When I think of you, I don’t even have to close my eyes to see a resilient and fearless dragon-slaying fireball, with a tender human heart (yeah sure, pun intended…..although I coined/pinned this description long before last Wednesday).  Like me, you cannot and will not be boxed in by people’s expectations of you.  You have the fascinating ability to be either a jolting, high-voltage power pulse or a soothing, cool breeze.  Your vibrant passion, my dear friend, energises me!  THANK YOU! 


  1. This is beyond beautiful and truly Christian, Lulu. Thank you for more than a post. This is paying homage to those who deserve respect on account of integrity and faithfulness to Christ and their calling.

  2. I only know the first guy (who is stunning and generous beyond measure) but they all sound like the people you want to surround yourself with. So happy you are cared for and protected, you beautiful writer and friend!!


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