”In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.“

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16‬:‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Dearest little Stitch

Today you are a tiny six-week-one-day-old embryo hidden deep within your mommy’s womb, but you have already overcome almost insurmountable odds.  For at least a week now, your mommy has been experiencing cramps and bleeding, and when the pregnancy hormone hCG in her blood took a nosedive yesterday, your chances of surviving until today were determined to be, at best, 10% (1 out of 10).  However, this morning the unthinkable happened, your mommy’s hCG increased by 3,000 units, her bleeding ceased and the ultrasound showed that you are still unharmed.  Your mommy’s doctor revealed that, from today’s evidence, you have indeed defied a 99% chance of miscarriage and not 90% as originally estimated. 

I am so incredibly overwhelmed with joyful gratitude to the Lord for your life.  I write this letter to you as an introduction and it will be available on my blog for you to read in due time.

You are an authentic original masterpiece, designed and created by the Creator and Ruler of the entire universe and you are, first and foremost, the apple of His eye.  His love for you is complete and perfect, it drives out fear and NOTHING can ever separate you from it.  You are His cherished beloved child now and forevermore.

Your Mommy Jessica and Pappa Martin are rockstars and I have no doubt that they will love you unconditionally.  Their warm, delightful excitement about your coming is pleasantly contagious and I have no doubt that they have already started counting down the sleepies to your arrival.

On your pappa’s side of the family, you are your Oupa Adam and Ouma Annemarie’s first grandchild and on your mommy’s side of the family (the AssieTribe), you are OupaAssie and Nana’s fourth grandchild.  You have the cutest cousins - Micah, Emily and Adalee.  Your pappa is the firstborn in his family and his brother is your Oom Nico.  Your mommy is the last born in her family.  Her brothers are your Uncle Daniel (with his wife-to-be Tannie ChanrĂ©) and your Uncle Jack (with his wife-to-be Aunty Megan).  Her sister is your Aunty Annie (with her husband Oom Marno).  Micah’s mommy and Uncle Daniel’s first wife, Tannie Carli, passed away and lives in heaven now where she is reunited with your two unborn cousins.

Your mommy’s doctor, Dr Jaco Smith, is undoubtedly the very best obstetrician on the planet.  His rare combination of skilful expertise and compassionate humility is definitively unmatched.  His faithful devotion to multiple members of the AssieTribe in the past has proved to be pivotal and life-saving.  He not only delivered Micah and Adalee, but also discovered Tannie Carli’s brain tumour when no other doctor could make an appropriate diagnosis and he saved both Aunty Annie and Adalee’s lives when sudden-onset pre-eclampsia caused catastrophic placental rupture.  No collection of words can ever accurately convey the respect and gratitude we have for this amazing doctor.  

I, most certainly, already love you dearly and you are our youngest precious little treasure.  So, go ahead, little one, and continue to grow with fervour and tenacity in your safe, hidden private space for another 34 weeks or so!  I can’t wait to meet you and the two of us might even share a birthday!

Having said all of this, I want you to understand the most important thing of all.  This world we live in, is broken and although there exists much joy and pleasure in it, it is also filled with pain and suffering from which none of us can escape from while we live in it.  This world is imperfect and fleeting.  It can offer no guarantees and if we put our hope on anything in it, it WILL be disappointed.  Our ONLY hope which NEVER disappoints is in our Lord God Almighty, Creator and Ruler of the entire universe and He establishes our steps.  He is the ONLY Source of life, His love is perfect and He is ALWAYS good.  May He establish our steps in such a way that we are granted the desires of our hearts to journey together in this life.  And if not, we can take delight in knowing that, after this life, we will be together in a perfect eternity forever.

With all my love from

Your Nana


PS:  The picture is of your mommy and pappa as babies and they came up with the name Stitch.  I think it’s very cute for this season of your life!


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