Seven hundred and thirty one days ago, in the dead of a Free State winter, a hunkingly handsome silver-haired man walked the prettiest, most radiant young bride down the aisle to meet up with her picture-perfect attractive young groom in front of the alter.  With the blessing and guidance of the most compassionate and wisest minister, these two youngsters vowed faithful commitment to each other in a matrimonial partnership of a lifetime.

The handsome silver-haired hunk is my beloved Assie.  The prettiest radiant bride is our beloved Jess, the youngest of our awesome foursome offspring.  The picture-perfect attractive groom is Martin, our beloved newest son-in-love.  The compassionate, wise minister is Charles James, team-leading dominee of my beloved Pellissier Gemeente and precious friend.  The date is Saturday 30 July 2022, the venue is Memories4Ever and the gracious host is Henrihet Human, who just about moved heaven and earth to ensure the bride got exactly what she wanted.  It turned out to be the most stylish, beautiful winter wedding with elegant excellence in every detail, from decor to dining.  A truly WOW event!

Jess might be the youngest of the AssieTribe offspring, but she is one of the rarest kinds of last born children, those born with the same anointing as firstborn children.  Even her siblings agree that (in their words) IF SHE WASN’T BORN LAST, SHE WOULD’VE BEEN THE FIRST.  She is a woman of substantial valour, wisdom and integrity.  WARNING TO THE WORLD:  If you dare throw her away to the wolves, she WILL come back leading the pack!  The only person I know who could tame a Free State winter with a warm wedding in a Jurassic Park theme.  Not even the most vicious JurassicPark-like menopausal monster could do that!  She is my very own last baby who will soon give birth to her very own first baby.  AlexStitchie’s mommy!

Martin, my adorably loving son-in-love, who has also already had two opportunities to be my very own spunky, cheeky Secret Santa during AssieTribe Christmas.  The first time he gave me a 3L (yes, you read correctly, three litres - 101.44 fl. oz.) beer glass!  The second time he gave me a coffee mug with two personal inscriptions on.  The first message read DEAR MOTHER-IN-LAW, THANK YOU FOR BEING MY MOTHER-IN-LAW.  IF I HAD A DIFFERENT MOTHER-IN-LAW, I WOULD PUNCH HER IN THE FACE AND GO FIND YOU.  LOVE, YOUR FAVOURITE.  The second message read I’D WALK THROUGH FIRE FOR YOU, MOTHER-IN-LAW.  WELL, NOT FIRE, THAT WOULD BE DANGEROUS.  BUT A SUPER HUMID ROOM, BUT NOT TOO HUMID, BECAUSE YOU KNOW….MY HAIR!  With his hideous Blue Bull jersey, he burrowed his way into the centre of my mother heart* to the point where I am actively looking for a Blue Bull babygrow for my next grandson!  Love makes you do stupid things….my love for my son-in-love.  AlexStitchie’s daddy!

Happy 2nd wedding anniversary, dearest Jess & Martin!  Around day 825 of your beautiful matrimonial partnership, little Alex’s birth will bestow on you the gift of parenthood.  Parenthood is the season where you are blessed with physical reminders of your matrimonial promises, in the form of little, cuter versions of yourselves who will both bless and challenge you in ways you have not even dreamed of.  Buckle up, it is WILD and it is WONDERFUL!  Cheers to many more wedding anniversaries as the matriarch and patriarch of your own little Tribe!

*SPECIAL MESSAGE TO ALL MY (count-the-sprinkles-on-the-cupcakes-incorrigible) CHILDREN (biological & matrimonial): Let the record state, you are ALL at the centre of my mother heart, you are ALL my favourites! 


  1. Dear Lulu, while I was reading this blog entry on my cell phone yesterday, I thought: Lulu frequently writes about life in her own extended family: about loss, about the great deeds and mystery of God, about precious times together, about things that emerge from deep within the hearts of her beloved grandchildren. Though so much of it is joyous and delightful, one is often confronted with the raw, fragile and sorrowful aspects of family life. Your writings are launched from your own family circle, Lulu, but they land [strike?] far, far from you. Your writings penetrate my soul. They are an inspiration to many of us! Thank you for all you do with your God-given talent.


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